AI is changing everything, including HR and Benefits. We expect AI to…

  • streamline recruiting,
  • personalize on-boarding,
  • improve performance data,
  • identify trends in employee feedback,
  • automate and customize benefits enrollment, and
  • provide insights on everything from hiring and retention trends to the effectiveness of HR programs.

Defining “it” and recognizing there’s lots to learn about its impact on HR and Benefits are goals for NEEBC’s Breakfast.

Following our keynote by Bryant University faculty member, Valerie Leduc, a panel of employers dipping their toes into the AI pool will share their perspectives. There will also be time allotted for Q&A and networking.

And don’t miss a unique opportunity to visit the Boston flagship building that headquarter’s retail titan, New Balance.

Extra bonus: All attendees will receive a New Balance coupon for 20% off your entire purchase.

Benefits of Attending

  • Learn something about the new acronym in your daily language: “AI”
  • Understand relevant connections between HR and AI
  • Gain perspective on how you can use AI effectively in your organization
  • Identify risks involved before using AI

Speaker and Panelists

Keynote Speaker and Panelist


Valerie Leduc
Faculty Member
Bryant University 
View Bio



Employer Panel  


Rita Allen
Rita B. Allen Assoc.
View Bio

Samantha Howland
Chief People Officer
Gannett | USA Today Network
View Bio

Erin Sarin
HR & AI Innovation Leader
View Bio


Moderated by
Dennis Charland
Transparency and Data Sales
View Bio


Intended Audience

Women and men from all parts of the HR and Total Rewards industry; usually leaders with some rising stars mixed throughout; employers, consultants, health insurance providers, third-party benefits solutions vendors.

 With lots to learn about the AI landscape, let the learning begin!
And consider inviting an early-in-career and/or male colleague, client or friend to accompany you.

Register to Attend


Thank You to Our Sponsors!

To learn about additional sponsorship opportunities, email [email protected].